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제목 한방 임상시험에 참여한 노인 대상자들의 사전 동의에 대한 인식도 조사
등록일 2015-01-20 첨부파일
구분 학진
학술지 대한동의생리병리학회지
발표일 2012-06-30
저자 김윤영 외 5명
This study aimed to evaluate the perception of informed consent for subjects who are participated in oriental medicine clinical trials and over 60 years old. In this research, 215 subjects who were participated in clinical trials were surveyed between Apr. 13, 2011 and Jul. 20, 2011. And the collected data was analyzed with computer software of SPSS 17.0. In the case of objective perception, almost all of subjects answered that they have ever heard of the consent form. However, 50.7 points were collected for the question of “As I already signed the consent form, I have to participate in the clinical trials”, which showed the subjects had misperception about quitting the clinical trials. In the case of subjective perception, subjects well knew that the purpose of clinical trial is research, not medical treatment. However, the perception about the purpose of clinical trials that they are participated in was low. In the both cases of objective and subjective perception with general characteristics, they showed differences (p<0.045) with the marital status of subjects, however other categories did not show any difference. In conclusion, researchers should provide sufficient explanation as well as adequate Information in order to protect the personality of subjects, so that the subjects can make a right decision.

*원문신청: kdc@kiom.re.kr