Korean medicine Data Center 한의학의 임상현상을 과학적으로 규명하기 위한 체계적 통합 정보은행
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제목 체질 의료 서비스 시장규모 및 현황 조사 -전국 한방의료기관을 중심으로-
등록일 2015-01-20 첨부파일
구분 학진
학술지 사상체질의학회지
발표일 2013-03-15
저자 장은수 외 2명
This study revealed that the 62% facilities of all Korean medical clinics in Korea are using constitutional medicine for patients.
 The proportion of constitutional medical service was 13.7% in Korean medical care insurance and 23.5% in total Korean medical service market.
 It is assumed that the scales of total Korean medical service market seemed to be 3,974,425 million won and the scales of total constitutional medical service market seemed to be 929,404 million won.

*원문신청: kdc@kiom.re.kr