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제목 Current Researches on the Methods of Diagnosing Sasang Constitution: An Overview
등록일 2015-01-20 첨부파일
구분 SCI
학술지 Evidence-based Complementary and Alternative Medicine
발표일 2009-06-23
저자 이시우 외 4명
Sasang constitution diagnosis has traditionally been conducted by a Sasang constitutional medicine (SCM) doctor who examines the external appearance, temperament and various symptoms of an individual and then collectively analyzes this information to determine their own constitutions. However, because this process is subjective and not quantitative, many researchers have been attempting to develop objective and reasonable methods of determining constitutions. In Korea, even though a wide range of research regarding SCM has been conducted, most of the work has not been revealed internationally. So in this review, the authors have searched the Journal of Sasang Constitutional Medicine, as well as other Korean domestic journal databases and Pubmed for research regarding modernized constitution diagnosis methods so to provide the understanding of current research state and outlook for future research.


*원문신청: kdc@kiom.re.kr