Korean medicine Data Center 한의학의 임상현상을 과학적으로 규명하기 위한 체계적 통합 정보은행
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제목 검진용 허실 변증 진단 설문지의 타당도 평가 및 악력, 삶의 질의 상관성
등록일 2021-07-23 첨부파일
구분 학진
학술지 대한동의생리병리학회지
발표일 2020-06-12
저자 백영화(한국한의학연구원), 정경식(한국한의학연구원), 장은수(대전대학교), 김윤영(국립안동대학교)
The purpose of this study was to evaluate the validity of Deficiency and Excess Pattern Identification Questionnaire. The number of subjects enrolled in this study was 431. Pearson Correlation Coefficient analysis were conducted to reveal the correlation among Deficiency and Excess Pattern Identification Questionnaire, Grip Strength and Quality of life. ROC-curve analysis were used to suggest optimal cut off value. Cohen Kappa also used to analyze for diagnostic validity. The significant p-value was < .05. The Deficiency questionnaire had positive correlation with the score of the expert and negative correlation with Grip Strength and Quality of life (p<.001). The Excess questionnaire had positive correlation with the score of the expert and negative correlation with Quality of life (p<.001). The optimal cut off value was 56.5 to separate deficiency and non deficiency and 47.5 to separate excess and non-excess. Furthermore, AUC was .900 and .851 accordingly. Cohen Kappa value between deficiency questionnaire and the expert was .640. Cohen Kappa value between excess questionnaire and the expert was .513. This study reveals that Deficiency and Excess Pattern Identification Questionnaire is valid. However, further study considering of gender, age, and health condition and so on, is needed.

*원문신청: kdc@kiom.re.kr