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제목 한열변증과 체형 및 체성분의 연관성 분석 ? 50세 이상 장년 및 노년층을 대상으로
등록일 2021-07-23 첨부파일
구분 학진
학술지 대한동의생리병리학회지
발표일 2020-08-31
저자 문수정(한국한의학연구원), 이시우(한국한의학연구원), 박기현(한국한의학연구원)
The association of cold-heat (CH) pattern and anthropometry/body composition has been suggested in that they
are related to thermoregulation. We aimed to study the association of CH pattern and anthropometry/body
composition. A total of 1479 individuals aged 50–80 years were included in the study, and their CH pattern were
evaluated by a self-administered questionnaire. After adjustment for age and sex, the CH score were significantly
correlated with weight, BMI (body mass index), body surface area, waist-hip ratio, fat free mass, body fat mass, body
cell mass, intracellular water, extracellular water, and basal metabolic rate; however, the correlation coefficients were
mostly low (0.15–0.24). The selected variables for predicting CH score were various according to the methods used for
variable selection; however, the adjusted R-squared of the final models were all around 0.12. Thus the most
parsimonious model could be the one that includes sex and BMI. In conclusion, various anthropometry and body
composition indices were associated with CH pattern. Future studies are necessary to improve the performance of the
prediction model.

*원문신청: kdc@kiom.re.kr