Korean medicine Data Center 한의학의 임상현상을 과학적으로 규명하기 위한 체계적 통합 정보은행
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제목 한의학 기반 예방관리를 위한 모바일 어플리케이션 개발: 미병보감
등록일 2020-04-01 첨부파일
구분 학진
학술지 대한동의생리병리학회지
발표일 2018-03-31
저자 이영섭(한국한의학연구원), 이시우(한국한의학연구원), 진희정(한국한의학연구원), 박대일(한국한의학연구원)
Objectives: The purpose of this study was to develop mobile a application that evaluate the Mibyeong(deterioration of the health) in daily life and provide optimal Yangseng(養生) interventions according to the Korean medicine types.
Methods: The evaluation of Mibyeong utilized questionnaire or objective informations including Facial photographs and hemodynamic information. The Korean medicine type classification was reconstructed based on the concept of Sasang constitution and cold-heat pattern identification. Yangseng interventions were recommended based on Mibyeong symptoms, Korean medicine types, and demographic information. And we have developed tracking and ranking functions for user motivations. We used a Korean medicine database that focused on healthy people as a reference data, and used Yangseng interventions database that reinterpreted classical Yangseng in a modern way.
Results and Conclusions: We have developed a mobile application that evaluates the user''s Mibyeong state and provides optimal Yangseng interventions based on Korean medicine types. This study are expected to improve the quality of health and contribute to the prevention of diseases.

*원문신청: kdc@kiom.re.kr