Korean medicine Data Center 한의학의 임상현상을 과학적으로 규명하기 위한 체계적 통합 정보은행
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제목 사상체질 진단 설문 활용도를 높이기 위한웹 기반 체질진단 시스템- KS-15(Korea Sasang Constitutional Diagnostic Questionnaire) -
등록일 2018-01-09 첨부파일
구분 학진
학술지 사상체질의학회지
발표일 2017-09-30
저자 박대일,진희정,박기현
1. Objectives
Several researches have been done to develop instruments or questionnaire for diagnosis of sasang constitution. In this study, we developed a user-friendly web system to enhance the utilization of KS-15.

2. Methods
The KS-15 Web application was constructed by considering the responsive web design and easy survey answer.  This system is designed only to authorized users for security purposes, and provides two modes, simple mode and expert mode, depending on the purpose of using the system. A simple  mode do not keep user information and survey answer in the database. An expert mode support management of patients, diagnosis of sasang constitution and statistical functions.

3. Results & Conclusions
The developed KS-15 system can be operated from any smart device''s web browser. In order to use information in clinic field, it was developed so that it can be accessed only by authorized users. It can be divided into an account which can use only simple mode and an account which can use expert mode by using a difference in access authority. These functions can enhance the applicability of sasang constitution in real life such as clinical or education.

*원문신청: kdc@kiom.re.kr