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제목 미병에 대한 한국 일반인의 인식과 미병률 현황 : 전국조사
등록일 2016-05-24 첨부파일
구분 학진
학술지 대한예방한의학회
발표일 2015-12-31
저자 이은영, 이영섭, 유종향, 이시우, 박기현
Objectives : The purpose of this study was to reveal the prevalence of Mibyeong and its symptoms including fatigue, pain, sleep disturbance, dyspepsia, depression, anxiety and anger by using the national survey.

Methods : Questionnaires were collected by Gallup Korea. Participants were chosen through stratified sampling method based on area, gender and age. Questionnaire was designated to confirm the recognition, managing of Mibyeong, investigation of
life habit, medical history, basic information, QoL questionnaires (Short Form-12, EuroQol-5D) and understanding of Mibyeong medical service conditions. Generally all questionnaires were used for survey the Mibyeong status in public except QoL questionnaires. Questionnaires were fulfilled by professional surveyor as face to face interview. Descriptives was used for data analysis and the results were expressed as percentage ratios (%)

Results : 1,101 of people were acquired in this study. Eighty point two (80.2%) percent of participants did not know the concept of Mibyeong accurately even though 80.6% complained of Mibyeong related symptoms. Among them, fatigue was accounted for the highest response (70.7%)in this study. Sixty point four percent of participants identified non-smoking, stop drinking, eating habits and sleeping habits as a way to manage their Mibyeong related symptoms. In addition, exercising (60.8%), visiting medical institution (58.4%) and taking health functional food (52.7%) were presented. Only 23.1% among people with symptoms Mibyeong visited medical facilities. Moreover, the quality of life was found to be significantly correlated with health status.

Conclusions : This study could contribute to express the importance of announcing the concept of Mibyeong and status to Korean public. Moreover, more Mibyeong studies should be conducted in the future to evaluate the Mibyeong status objectively.

*원문신청: kdc@kiom.re.kr