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제목 설문지와 의료기기 자료 분석을 통한 사상체질별 피로 특성 연구
등록일 2015-12-10 첨부파일
구분 학진
학술지 사상체질의학회지(Journal of Sasang Constitutional Medicine)
발표일 2013-12-31
저자 김구, 주종천, 하예진, 박수정, 최나래, 이영섭
The purpose of this study found correlations between fatigue, dyspepsia, pain, sleep disorder and investigated characteristics of fatigue in Sasang constitution using analysis of medical devices data.

Sixty three subjects were divided in fatigue group and non-fatigue group, they carried out blood tests, questionnaire, Sasang constitutional analysis tool (SCAT), pulse wave analyzer examination, heart rate variability examination, nail fold capillary microscopic examination.

1. The results of questionnaire about fatigue, dyspepsia, pain, sleep disorder, quality of life had significant differences between fatigue and non-fatigue groups.
2. Soeumin had more serious gastrointestinal problem and Soyangin had more serious sleep disorder in fatigue groups than non-fatigue groups.
3. According to blood test results, there was no difference between fatigue and non-fatigue groups.
4. Elastic parameter of pulse wave analyzer and nail fold capillary microscopic examination showed significant differences between fatigue and non-fatigue groups in Soyangin.

Fatigue is usually accompanied by dyspepsia, pain, sleep disorder, deterioration in the quality of life. Treatment of accompanied symptoms could be more effective treatment of fatigue in Soeumin and Soyangin. And pulse wave analyzer and nail fold capillary microscopic examination might predict cardiovascular disease occurrence in Soyangin fatigue groups.

*원문신청: kdc@kiom.re.kr