1. Objective
This study aimed to assessing the performance of Sasang constitutional analysis Tool (SCAT) for Chinese as one of method to diagnose Sasang Constitution and evaluating the possibility of applying SCAT to foreign people.
2. Methods
This cross-sectional study was approved by IRB (Independent Review Board) at J Hospital in Yanbian. Informed consent to take part in the study was obtained from each of the participants. The performance of SCAT was assessed through Kappa coefficient and the concordance rate between SCAT and Expert diagnosis.
3. Result
The concordance rate between SCAT and expert was 61.1% in total and the Kappa was 0.408. When the constitutional probability increased, the concordance rate and Kappa showed a increasing tendency. The concordance rate of Chosun race was 62.1% and others 60.7%.
4. Conclusion
SCAT, as Sasang constitutional diagnostic supporting system, may help the expert to diagnose Sasang constitution in Yanbian region