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제목 Study of a Vocal Feature Selection Method and Vocal Properties for Discriminating Four Constitution Types
등록일 2015-12-09 첨부파일
구분 SCI
학술지 Evidence-based Complementary and Alternative Medicine
발표일 2011-12-31
저자 김근호, 김종열, 구본초, 강남식, 김영수, 장준수
The voice has been used to classify the four constitution types, and to recognize subject’s health condition by extracting meaningful physical quantities, in traditional Korean medicine. In this paper, we propose a method of selecting the reliable variables from various voice features, such as frequency derivative features, frequency band ratios, and intensity, from vowels and a sentence. Further, we suggest a process to extract independent variables by eliminating explanatory variables and reducing their correlation, and remove outlying data to enable reliable discriminant analysis. Moreover, the suitable division of data for analysis, according to the gender and age of subjects, is discussed. Finally, the vocal features are applied to a discriminant analysis to classify each constitution type. This method of voice classification can be widely used in the u-Healthcare system of personalized medicine and for improving diagnostic accuracy.

*원문신청: kdc@kiom.re.kr