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제목 성인 여성의 변비에 따른 한열증상, 생활습관, 스트레스, 삶의 질 과의 관계
등록일 2015-12-11 첨부파일
구분 학진
학술지 디지털융복합연구
발표일 2014-09-20
저자 김윤영, 유종향, 박기현, 장은수
In this research, we diagnosed constipation of adult female by taking into characteristic consideration of Korean, and identified the correlation of a constipation with life style, heat and cold symptoms, stress and life quality of them. We also identified the relationships of the constipation with stress and life quality. A Survey was conducted from April 23, 2010 to October 25, 2010 for 464 women and the collected data was analyzed with computer software of SPSS 19.0. In the result, the constipation group appealed for cold stomach(p=.008), dyspepsia(p=.006), and tiredness(p=.001). more often than the normal group. The constipation group experienced Dreaming(p=.003), light sleeping(p=.007) and a trouble in sleeping(p=.001) more often, which impaired the quality of sleeping. Compared to the normal group, the constipation group also showed a tendency of high stress and low life quality. Based on the results, all the factors of heat and cold symptom, life style, stress and life quality should be considered when developing medications for the prevention and improvement of constipation.

*원문신청: kdc@kiom.re.kr