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제목 The Sasang Constitution as an Independent Risk Factor for Metabolic Syndrome: Propensity Matching Analysis
등록일 2015-01-20 첨부파일
구분 SCI
학술지 Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine
발표일 2013-11-22
저자 장은수 외 3명
The Sasang Constitutional Medicine is a traditional Korean customized medicine that classifies people into four types: Tae-eumin
(TE), Soyangin (SY), Soeumin (SE), and Taeyangin. The aim of this study was to show whether the Sasang Constitution (SC) could
be an independent risk factor for themetabolic syndrome (MS). Totally, 3,334 subjects from24 Koreanmedicine clinics participated
in this study. A one-way ANOVA for the continuous variables and a chi-square test for the prevalence of MS were conducted. A
logistic regression was conducted to calculate the propensity score and the odds ratios (ORs). The prevalence forMS in TE, SY, and
SE was 50.6%, 30.9%, and 17.7% (

*원문신청: kdc@kiom.re.kr