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제목 체질별 긍정적, 부정적 성격특성과 삶의 질의 연관성 연구
등록일 2015-01-20 첨부파일
구분 학진
학술지 사상체질의학회지
발표일 2014-03-31
저자 김호석 외 4명
We found significant differences between constitutions in Positive Affect(PA), PA-Joy, PA-Interest and PA-Activation
of PANAS. And we found significant differences between constitutions in Mental Component Summary(MCS)
of SF-12. Negative correlation of less –0.4 was shown in Negative Affect(NA), NA-Afraid, NA-Upset of PANAS
and MCS of SF-12.
The Soyangin has significantly higher score than Soeumin in PA, PA-Joy, PA-Interest and PA-Activation of PANAS
as previous studies. This study also shows the correlation between negative emotion and decline in the quality
of mental status.

*원문신청: kdc@kiom.re.kr